Sunday, October 14, 2018

Take on the 2020 Democratic field

The first polling for the 2020 field is out and not surprisingly the nearly 50% of Democrats would like an an old white guy who has run for and failed to become president multiple times.
We get that Bernie is sexy in some weird hipster way and Biden is sexy in some kind of geriatric way but neither is going to beat Trump. The Dems need some life, some exciting, some pizazz and instead will run out a bunch of old guys older thank dirt

I'm not sure who they should be looking at the most only Kamala Harris (polling at 9%) seems like a good choice. Corey Booker has too many Wall Street skeletons, Elizabeth Warren is just going toad for a SNL episode against Trump. Nobody believes Bloomberg will do it, John Kerry is as likable as tooth decay. I've never heard of the rear of the bums other than Michael Avenatti and please god don't let it be Avenatti

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