Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Take on wet water

For a guy who has the best words, he certainly struggles with adjectives. Trump really only has a handful of them (huge, great, tremendous, phenomenal, overrated, horrible, terrible) and they always describe an event he's championing as the greatest and every event he's fighting against as the worst.

It's so sad to see a grown man struggle to form a coherent simple sentence and when he sort of does it's hard to understand him with all the self-felating he does. But now we know how difficult that might actually be for him, with his stumpy mushroom dick, he can't have it easy especially since he doesn't at all look flexible.

Today was classic Trump as he described the water flooding as one the wettest we've ever seen in terms of water. Somebody show him the Seinfeld clip about not being over to over-wet laundry because the guy needs to get out more.

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