Monday, September 10, 2018

Take on the terrible ratings.

Remember that terrible CBS show Everybody Loves Raymond?? Well we have a new one called Everybody hates Donald. His unfavorable numbers are out of control, with Republicans starting to slip. His approval rating is 36% which is getting into Nixon territory, independents are dumping their DJT stock and democrats now view him 92% unfavorably

The questions I have are

- who the hell make up the remaining 8% of Democrats?
- what did the last three months do to turn 10% of independents away from Trump. I mean it's been a horrible three months but not any more horrible than the previous three
- the 18% of Republicans who don't approve seems low somehow. There have to be plenty of well intentioned, smart, coherent white breads left in that party who aren't fooled by this con. Or at least more than 18%

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