Friday, September 28, 2018

Take on Rudy’s supportive tweet

Rudy isn't that bright and seems to be losing it more and more each year

He tried to send out a supportive tweet of Graham but instead embarrassed himself like only Rudy can

His tweet

Senator Lindsay Graham distinguished himself today as the fairest man and the best lawyer in Washington. He voted for Justices Sotormayor and Kagen  on old fashioned principles. I also did. If he is going to vote for Judge Kavanaugh, the Senate all should.

Now class let's pick out where Rudy embarrassed himself

- he misspelled Graham's first name, not a big deal to screw that up for a guy Rudy probably says is a friend 
- he misspelled Judge Kagan's name indeed spelling it like some weird vagina exercise 
- he misspelled Judge Sotomayor's name but likely because he doesn't like anybody called mayor except him 

Listen I make plenty of spelling mistakes, probably have a few in this post but kids the real flaw in this is that he implied that he, like Graham, also voted for both of Obama's justices.

One small problems with this
Rudy never had an opportunity to vote for a judge because he, um, never actually was a senator.  He may have forgotten his ill faded attempt when it became clear that he would lose to Hillary.   You can't totally blame him as he may have confused that run with the couple of similarly disastrous runs for president

It's like Rudy lives in some alternative reality, one where he went from mayor to senator to president banging porn stars all the way.   Sadly he went from mayor to thrice divorced crazy guy standing on a street corner yelling about conspiracy and using racial epithets at passerby's just trying to get to work

Plus he got very fat

Sent from my iPhone

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