Sunday, September 30, 2018

Take on Kanye.

Years ago people would always speak about Kanye West like he was the next great musician. I've heard a half dozen songs and was never all that impressed and always found him sort of annoying. The George Bush hates black people thing was stupid, his fashion line sucks, he's always frowning and he's married to the worst type of people you can imagine. There was nothing funny or interesting about him but it became a thing for The NY Times crowd to feel like they needed to understand him. I never felt that desire thinking he was a moron way before it was cool to think so.

So when he jumped all over Trump during the campaign I wasn't that shocked, since he seems to care only about the shock value. This guy has turned into the black Marilyn Manson and he's scaring the avocado on toast side who so loved him for being so edgy just a few years ago.

I've been consistent and thought he's always been an idiot.

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