Thursday, September 13, 2018

Take on the dirty priests

There is nothing that disgusts me more than the Catholic Church's deceit when it comes to the clergy sexual abuse allegations. Today a report came out that nearly 4000 kids were abused while
the holy church did nothing. I'm not religious man but could be considered spiritual and see the distinction as pretty simplistic
I cannot imagine trying to follow (and defend) a religion which is based on seeing man's flaws and claims to "do good" yet hides behind its cloak when it has been more than apparent that their priests are a bunch of sex obsessed perverts.

The church which would consciously move these priests from parish to parish carries all the blame and when you hear that the amount of victims is in the thousands, you have to think that somebody in the Vatican Human Resources is not doing a great job in vetting these guys

I'm all for any priest caught doing this getting locked in the room with the most hung prisoner and let the old father know how it feels.

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