Monday, August 20, 2018

Take on the Rudy Bot

I have a working theory which is gaining some traction in my own head. Remember how in the 80's people like Cindy Adams would get calls from "John Barron" to give her updates on the triumphs of Donald Trump? The tapes always sounded an awful lot like the Queens businessman and were always complimentary about the money he had, the women he was needing and the lifestyle he was able to keep up.

Well the new John Barron might be Rudy Giuliani, Have you noticed how much Rudy's face has changed in the last few years, it's like he is wearing a Halloween mask. He's gotten so much fatter, his teeth look completely odd, his eyes are pulled back farther into his newly fat face, his mannerisms aren't even natural anymore. He has also got conspicuously orange and is saying more asinine things by the way and has gone complete scorched earth on his own reputation.

I honestly don't think anybody has seen Trump and Rudy in the same place in years.

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