Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Take on Pear Harbor

Trumps told Prime Minister Abe today that he remembered Pearl Harbor and anybody with a calculator knew immediately that he was full of shit. Well we know he is old but for this particular situation his sack isn't wrinkled enough because Pearl Harbor happened like a decade before he could ever claim to have remembered it.

But this is where we get caught up with facts and facts aren't important.

First of all, what the Lame Stream Media is ignoring is how is bringing up Pearl Harbor a good idea with the Prime Minister of a country which is a fierce ally?? I know Trump is beyond reproach for a large portion of the population (which in a Venn diagram completely overlaps with those who call them Japs) so maybe this is fine, but for those who were not taught in West Virginia, it's kind of not cool.

But then I thought that he is not that bright and that maybe Trump remembers when Macho Man Pearl Harbored The Ultimate Warrior which is almost the same.

Then I think about that wrestling term and wonder how the hell that is acceptable. I know these wresting fans are meatheads (sorry Zed, Eid and Conway) but you couldn't imagine that getting 9/11'd would be acceptable.

So instead of hating on Trump, we hate on Vince McMahon and his fat wife.

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