Saturday, August 25, 2018

Take on The Maverick

John McCain was one of the first politicians I ever respected. This was back in the late 90s and he would be a frequent guest on Imus and was often a foil to both his own party and to the Democrats. I loved him during his first campaign for president, the time he spent before that as a POW was well established. He deserved more as he had given so much to his country but politics is at its core a dirty game and what W Bush did to him in South Carolina was what soured me on politics. His campaign eight years later as less inspirational although his comment to the one supporter who asked about Obama's being a secret Muslim is still one of the most decent things any politician has ever done. That campaign ended in part because of the cards he was dealt with Obama being a transcendent candidate but also for the mistakes me made, non bigger than his decision (or lack of push back) to Sarah Palin. You can't read about John McCain and ignore this part of this legacy.

But now, a decade later he stood up again as the Maverick when he voted down the bill thing to kill Obamacare while fighting inoperable Brian cancer, giving his final moments on a national stage back to his country and proving agin the American hero he was

I have to think Lindsey Graham is inconsolable tonight, but his puppet master has a wicked smile on his face as he'll use McCain's passing as the last step towards complete transformation to the dark side

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