Thursday, August 23, 2018

Take on Kellyanne

There really is no more despicable human than Kellyanne Conway and watching her avoid, dance, evade and ignore questions is infuriating and serves no good purpose as far as I can tell. The Kellyanne dance is so frustratingly unproductive it begs the question as to why you would ever give her the air to breath. An interview with her never makes the network look good, her appearance is done by her only to frustrate the host yet still CNN goes out of their way time and time again to give her airtime. She a master manipulator who has perfected the art of deceit and evasion and although it is masterful to see, it's also a lot like watching a guy get hit the nards with a rake because she is just bating these hosts to say something that she can use to show she got under their skin or worse yet something that makes her look like a victim.

The thought of her burning in hell seems too kind

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