Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Take on the Trump Tapes

We've alway assumed that the tapes that would eventually sink Trump were the kind that were covered in urine but it might be the ones between two guys covered in bullshit that might eventually take down a president
Remember how people would always try to knock Obama for some lane casual conversation or association? Remember how the evangelicals and religious right came out for Trump? Remember how they tried to tear down Obama?
Obama was about as lame as it gets, he never seemed to have cheated, degraded women, had any history of assault, didn't drink much, never had a coke habit where he wrapped his car around a tree, never played grab-ass with people hoping to pose for a photo and was lucid the entire time he was president. In other words, he was completely different than every other president of my lifetime. Yeah, let's tear that guy down for wanting to give people healthcare and prop up the guy who is covered in Russian hooker piss

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