Saturday, July 14, 2018

Take on Elon Musk’s big reveal

When Elon Musk was revealed as a top donor to a GOP PAC we were shocked for thirty seconds. This was the man who has said Climate Change is the biggest threat to humanity and here he is supporting a group of people some of whom are dumb enough to believe that man lived at the same time as the Brontosaurus.
Then I shook myself back to reality and realized that rich people love staying rich. He might be the CEO of a company who is trying to get off of traditional fossil fuels which certainly sounds like a position of the left, he is also the CEO of SpaceX, and we're sure he'd like to make sure there is tons of support for his -government funded- trips to outer space. For this he needs support across the aisles.

He'd also like massive support for infrastructure building like his super tube which goes both way and if he wants to swing right all manufacturing -including electric cars- likes deregulation. But mostly, he loves keeping more of his money and surely believes that the GOP is his way of keeping more of it and giving it to his heirs when and if he has any.
But at the end of the day, I'm sure he follows the Trump model and donated to both parties because that's the way rich guys play. Keep both parties happy, so when you need to call in a favor, they are taking your call.

So although we all had this impression that Musk was some liberal hero, he has in fact been exactly like a lot of rich guys.

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