Monday, July 9, 2018

Take on Brett Kavanaugh.

We waited all day for Trump to hand out his red rose and finally he decided Brett Kavanaugh. I don't know anything about this guy other than Rachel Maddie telling me he is the devil personified. Trump appears to have liked the fact he has an Ivy League Education but for a guy who is all about appearance he can't be happy with the fact his guy looks like a middle school nerd with his terrible haircut and acne covered face. Trump ripped Spicer a new five hole for showing up looking like he got dressed in his dad's closet, so Kavanaugh can't be much better and Trump will likely be unhappy with his own decision the second this guy is caught picking his nose on TV.

Plus, he sounds like he might be related to Chuck Knoblauch, so you know he can't handle any real pressure

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