Friday, June 15, 2018

Take on Paul Spineless Ryan

If you are going to look up spineless weasel on Wikipedia, I expect you to get a giant JPEG of Paul Ryan. There really has never been a mess principled person that Ryan, as he can't help but openly felate both the president and all his hangers on. I get that he's not a very smart man but, at minimum, you would have hoped that he had decency but somehow morals aren't allowed in Jainsville anymore.
What always bothered me about Ryan was that people always claim that he's some policy wonk but that's just calling him the tallest midget. I doubt that Paul Ryan understands macroeconomic policy substantially better than Peter King (either one) or that he has insight on the grand effects of healthcare much past his own copay.

So when he says that he's not sure what to think of Scott Pruit using every last bit of his power to rip off the entire USA, I'm neither shocked or surprised. If he does know, he doesn't have the internal moral fortitude to have any desire to doing anything about it and if he really doesn't know, it's basically par for the course as he does genuinely come across as frat boy dummy.

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