Friday, June 1, 2018

Take on the NK-US hotel bill

Trump announced that the on-again, off-again date with Kim Jong Un is back on again. The issue now are logistical ones

- who is going to pay for the North Korean 5 star hotels? The North Koreans aren't willing to roll out $6000 per night per room, so now we have to foot that bill

- who is going to get them to Singapore? Their crappy Soviet planes can hardly make it across the Sea of Japan. Somebody needs to lend them a Learjet

- who is going to bring enough food to feed those two lards? You just know Trump won't try anything icky and fishy and Kim will likely eat anything they put in front of him. Both are likely to use the crayons on the table and one of them is likely to get it stuck up their nose.

Anyway, glad this BroMance is back on but if we are going to take it in the five hole..why do we have to pay for dinner?!??

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