Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Take on the meeting of the minds

If somebody told you that Kim Kardashian might one day be president, you'd likely say she's woefully unqualified. A counter argument to that might be that she leads an incredibly successful global empire started by her parent and built almost entirely on her name and the cult of personality that she has become. You may say she's never held any office, not a Senator, not a county representative, not even a local school board member but the counter argument is that she's so rich that she can't be bought by special interest. But if the money behind those special interest travel in the same circles as Kim, that might seem questionable. In order to know where she stands in terms of her financial leverage, you'd be smart to ask to see her financial records before electing her including her tax returns.

You may question where her wealth really comes from, where her assets are located and whether in her global dealings if she's made any eyebrow raising decisions. You might wonder if, being such a prominent celebrity, she could possibly be compromised to protect her name which is really the entirety of her brand since she has tried to pursue a global reach. You might actually ask if she has an acumen for global affairs, nuance of state matters and foreign policy issues or even an interest. Asking that she give up her stake in her global empire would not seem unreasonable as there would be massive potential conflict of interest issues. You may wonder what her intellectual curiosity is. If she decided to make Kourtney and Khloé trusted advisors you may think that would be odd being that neither has any experience either. She might ask her North West to sit in on major meetings with foreign dignitaries which would seem odd. Her fourth husband may disappear for days on end and not seem to like her very much but that would just be Page6 fodder. You wonder how she can communicate on her unsecured iPhone XXX and you laugh when she uses FaceBurn to communicate with the American public.
If she then invited the biggest 2040 major reality TV star to discuss policy at the White House you may think the optics are laughable. Her ties to the IRIN regime which spawned from the destruction of ISIS would seem troubling especially after her top advisors have been caught communicating directly with them, granted we thought the "war on terror" ended a few decades earlier but there is still no love loss between the US and IRIN. You'd be frightened to think she was negotiating nuclear disarmament with Pakistan while calling their leader a little poodle on FaceBurn.

But luckily this could never ever happened

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