Monday, May 28, 2018

Take on Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day has always marked the beginning of summer especially for those in the North East as people open their pools, start up their grills and get door buster deals for a new refrigerator. I've always found it a bit of an odd was to honor those who gave their lives for ours but then again our president used the occasion to tout a bunch of faux accomplishments.
First of all the statement "Happy Memorial Day" is an oddity in itself, there isn't anything particularly happy about it other than getting some 50% off of ground beef. Secondly to think that those who gave their lives fighting nazi oppression have any interest in our present day economy or our rebuilt military is ludicrous. Lastly, ending any Memorial Day statement with Nice! is about as classy as a grown man using the day to beak the cannon ball world record at the town pool.

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