Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Take on Enko

The latest craze might be these hideous shoes from @enko and Im not a fan. When you heard about a guy like the Blade Runner compete in events with his blades people were up in arms. The spring action on those blades actually meant that he was running faster than abled bodies Olympian's. We've seen players opt for Tommy John surgery as a preemptive measure knowing that it actually improves their velocity.
Well now you can be your own Blade Runner (minus the gruesome murder part) with these new spring shoes from Enko. I have no idea how I feel about it as most people will just use it for their own running pleasure and unlike golf with it's stupid rules, getting and advantage in your own exercise is probably fine.
But really you will look like a jackass wearing these things, it reminds me of those sketchers they sold for a minute with the rounded bottom

Notice the staying power of those things.

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