Saturday, May 26, 2018

Take on the 1500 missing children

Our government loses track of children like I lose track of credit card receipts when I travel abroad. CNN reporter we has lost track of 1500 immigrant children who have been sent to live with sponsors when their parents tried to cross the border. I get that keeping a database isn't easy, I am in charge of a database of paper towels at the office and it can get hairy The problem is that this isn't paper towels or invoices or receipts, and I'm actually sure many of them are ok but "many" is not 1500 and 1500 is likely not even all of them.
We don't have the stomach for immigration reform because we feel we have bigger fish to fry but when we have a president who doesn't realize that his own wife jumped the border by overstaying her visa, marrying a horrible man for a green-card and then using chain migration to get her parents here, then up is down and down is lower than we've ever seen it. Like when they announced they came up with that new absolute black, that is the life we are living in.

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