Friday, April 6, 2018

Take on the Trump economy

I thought Trump was supposed to make sure America was open for business by cutting regulations, strengthening trade and through massive tax cuts for businesses. It hasn't quite worked out that way, most people give the predecessor credit for he first year of a presidential term when it comes to the economy. This isn't all fair but certainly there are residual effects from one administration to another.
Well the economy and the jobs market did grow nicely under the first part of Trump's first year but since November the market's been flat and now hiring has slowed to only 100,000 jobs. Trump takes credit for the market from Election Day, which puts the flat period exactly twelve months after these or making the first 12 months really a continuation of Obama's economy

Nobody wants instability when it comes to their 401k, nobody wants it for their Roth IRA either , the only ones that benefit are the guys driving $100,000 cars and living in $6million homes. Those guys make a killing on instability which makes you wonder why Trump is stoking the fire.

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