Monday, April 2, 2018

Take on The Trump Dump

Our president just isn't very bright which is a very sad fact but since there were 62 million people who voted for him despite that, is maybe the saddest thing of all. Today Trump spent his morning tweeting from the can about caravans of illegals coming across the border and proclaiming that DACA is dead because of the Democrats.. oh and he threw in a DACA bandwagon to boot

- caravans of illegals is interesting since Fox & Friends had a segment on that exact same thing thirty minutes earlier. Odd for a president who claims he doesn't have time to watch a lot of TV

- Blaming DACA on the dems is interesting since Trump was the one who cancelled the program but facts don't exactly matter

But the biggest head scratcher is the DACA bandwagon since this only applies to people who have already been here for decades so unless the bandwagon is a driven my Marty McFly, it doesn't really make any sense.

But fact for his followers don't matter

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