Monday, April 30, 2018

Take on the tax plan, five months later

This Republican Congress will go down as not only an enabler to Trump's craziness but as corrupt a group as ever has been collected. But one thing is for sure, they will have used Trump as much as Trump will have used them. They have wanted a massive tax cut for years and have sold their bases the idea that huge tax cuts to corporations will lead to money trickling down. We all know the only thing that trickles is the piss out of Mitch McConnells' little Mitch.
Even Rubio who has always tried to make himself the next great compassionate conservative now realizes the entire thing was a gigantic scam. Yes, a few people got some $1000 bonuses which is nice and all but completely anecdotal. The vast amount of corporate savings will remain just that, corporate savings. And since the tax bill passed, we have seen almost nothing in terms of stock market gains, so the average American has also not seen growth in their 401k's

Good job passing thing thing Marco.

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