Saturday, April 14, 2018

Take on Syria

The US Military lobbed 187 tomahawk missiles into Syria yesterday in a needed response to the chemical attack on the Syrian people but felt like just another wag-the-dog moment. When we have given up the moral high ground it's hard to justify any action.

What I can't get out of my mind is that although this is likely completely valid something still felt off especially with reports about Russia getting advanced warning. Maybe it's the cynic in me but Trump's "lash outs" over Twitter at Russia over the last few days just seem like a WWE script giving him some perceived cover against the accusations that he's soft on Russia.
Nothing made his true intentions more clear than fact that after his last big anti Russian move by throwing out those 60 diplomats/spies, we invited 60 new ones right back in through the backdoor

All of this is just noise to give him the ability to say he's been tough on Russia when we all know he's nothing more than a big blob of blubber who Putin can morph at a moments notice

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