Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Take on how Scott Pruitt blew it

Scott Pruitt might be gone soon after Trump's less than rousing 'vote of confidence' this week. Between the condo set up like a route 46 motel, with the first class flights, the crazy paranoia fears including a sound proof phone booth. Add it all up and he's not going to survive the week for which we can all breath a sigh of relief. Too bad that sigh will be soot covered as the landscape he will be leaving behind is starting to look like a toxic wasteland all in the name of deregulation

But what is most odd is that he has some weird facial characteristics which remind me of old W Bush. Not sure what it is but he's got that puffy brow, those rat-like eyes, that mouth which looks like a worn vagina and that weird layer of face fat just like a walrus
Maybe they just grow them weird looking down in Texahoma.

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