Thursday, March 29, 2018

Take on Hope

And there went any Hope for a non dysfunctional White House

Hope Hicks who many credit for keeping the chaos (somewhat) contained left the building today and the White House will never be the same. Unlike every other Trump surrogate, she goes out as a champ with everybody wanting to know more about her. This is in direct contrast with every other person who has left the White House who everybody sort of hopes ends up on Bob Mueller's bad side. Some people will say that her intrigue is bolstered because she doesn't ever talk but nobody is interested in Kusher and we have also never heard him talk. It's not because she's a woman because the second Kellyanne gets fired the claws will come our. It's purely because she is hot, a hot quiet woman is intriguing a loud one (Omarosa, KAC) is annoying. A quiet man (Rob Porter, Kushner) is creepy and a loud one (The Mooch) is self involved. A chubby man (Spicer) and a chubby woman (Big Huck) are both seen as grotesque. A southern man (Rex) is seen as slow, a physician (Ronny, Carson) are seen as misguided, the Italian (Pauly Manaford) seen as crooked. The dorky (Mnuchin, Reince) are seen as..dorky guys who never got laid in high school

But the hot 29 year old former model...she's the one we all want to know more about.

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