Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Take on Facebook

I'm kind of a dummy about most things but somehow I saw the demise of Facebook before most everybody. I was a late adopter and an early dropper mainly because I felt I was too old originally and too many old people were on by the time I left. But what bothered me more than anything was the fact that you lost the rights to what was yours and this Cambridge Analytics thing played right into that. How is it that Facebook allowed some app to come along to test your social IQ and in the fine print let them mine all of your data AND all of the data of anybody you are friends with. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon later, you have your hand way up a pig's ass and now we're stuck with the ultimate swine president

Thanks Facebook, thanks stupid aunts who got caught up in the FakeNews thing and thanks for all of you for giving them the open fields to steal your vegetables

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