Saturday, February 24, 2018

Take on too much corporate credit

Corporate America has been getting a lot of credit for their response to the NRA and I've seen commentators discuss how hitting the NRA where it hurts might finally take its chokehold off of American sensibility
The issue is that all these corporations who have come out have only taken away discounts for NRA members, these are very insignificant in the big picture. They may affect some individual people as the discounts being pulled away are almost exclusively for travel related things (Delta, Hertz, Enterprise, United etc.) but doesn't actually directly affect the NRA coffers.
The ones that have more sting are the cities who will not host their events or the credit card companies who will not issue them credit but those are few and far between.

So until you see a blanket promise across industries to stop donating to the NRA directly, all financial companies refuse to use them to launder their money and tons of cities refuse to host their events, it's all a bit blah. And the cities have to be southern, midwestern or mountain western ones, NYC saying they won't host an NRA event is isn't exactly groundbreaking

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