Sunday, January 28, 2018

Take on the Treasury dork

Forget Trump embarrassing our entire country at Davos, his cabinet and advisors are doing a fine job without him. A photo was posted showing Trump's cabinet at the World a economic Forum in Davos and its a doozie.
First you have old Wilbur who looks like he's completely fallen asleep, then you have Hope Hicks with the ugliest suede boots that make he legs look like two giant tootsies rolls. Although big Rex looks decent, the fat guy next to him looks like he ate Jared Kushner. But the worst look is by far Steve Mnuchin. He's wearing these horrible boots with a suit pair of suit like he has a meeting scheduled on the Appalachian trail. These things are either the latest hipster craze which his bimbo wife got him for Christmas OR they are a secret salute to the ultra right wing with the red laces. But how this loser can don those things and sit front toe with a straight face is astonishing.

The dude is such a goddamned dork

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