Steve Bannon showed up today to be grilled on the Russian involvement in the Trump campaign and our only thought was....What happened to Steve?? He looks cleanly shaven, he is wearing only one button down shirt and even is wearing a tie
Here is our critique
- He still looks sloppy in the same way that I always looked a bit sloppy when I put on a tie in my 20's.
- you can tell this guy has no experience with a tie, is tied way too short, should hit the belt buckle and his hardly hits his belly button
- the button down shirt with the two white buttons to hold the collar down is very Gap
- there is no way he is wearing matching pants
- his Mike Francesa haircut is really disturbing looking
- guy just know he is wearing a yellow stained undershirt which he's going to be stripping down to half way through thus thing
I wouldn’t hire this fat slob to be the last assistant coach on my kid’s pee wee football team, if I had a kid who I knew about.