Monday, January 1, 2018

Take on the lack of commercial jet crashes.

Saw a report that there were less murders in NYC in 50 years and there were no commercial passenger jet crashes in 2017, which is comforting in one way and frightening in another. I guess the murder rate in NYC could continue to fall but there is no where to go but...down...for the plane crash thing. I wonder if planes are more safe or if there are just less Russian stolen planes like that Malaysian Air one a few years ago which likely ended up in Kazakhstan. Then there was that other one a few years ago which was shot down by Russian separatists in the Ukraine which everybody seems to have just forgotten about while we all rally around the idea of the Trump-Putin bromance. See if you take Russian takedowns out of the equation there probably haven't been five airline crashes in a decade

But anyway, no plane crashes, only a few people got murdered in NYC, no really noteworthy celebrities died I think and Trump Jong Un didn't blow up the world.

I guess it was a good year

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