Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Take on the clapping clown

Is there any doubt that Trump would blow himself if he physically could? I didn't watch the State of the Union but have seen a number of clips of this lunatic applauding himself like a three year old does when she poops on the potty.

I get that he's not the normal politician, he's not a normal person. His need for constant adulation is frightening and the fact that the party who claims they represent family values and morality supports a man so vain, so lacking intellectually curiosity, so morally corrupt is astonishing.
The guy is on his third wife, has cheated on all of them, likely has a dozen abortions in his history, sleeps with porn stars while his wife has a newborn at home and has only ever proven to care about himself. Seems like the perfect guy an evangelical would embrace

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