Friday, December 29, 2017

Take on the Tubby in Chief

Most presidents look like they've aged a decade for every year they depend in office. Their eyes get baggy, their hair goes white and they start to have wrinkles where once there were none. Trump is different than most...his hair hasn't changed color (I wonder why?!?), he doesn't look any more tired than before and his eyes look as weaselly as ever.
What he has done is gain about 30 pounds, he has always been a pretty disgusting human but recently he has just added pounds onto his frame like most people add extra croutons to a salad. He has a terrible diet, doesn't exercise much and spends hours in front of the television, so the weight gain can't be a complete surprise but for a guy as vain as Trump, you'd think he could do something about the fact that he's starting to approach Kim Jong Un size
Then again, maybe he just doesn't care although it must kill him that Vladimir parades around topless while he wears a shirt which looks like a Trump National tarp

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