Saturday, December 16, 2017

Take on the presidential circle jerk

Apparently Corey Lewandowski wrote a book this year and by the sounds of it, it has sold well which just tells you that there are still about 63 million people out there who are not all that bright

But he got an extra bump when Trump endorsed the book and then he returned the favor by openly felating the president. The irony is that the chances of Trump actually reading this book is virtually zero because, well, it's a book.

This is the problem with political commentary now, it is all just one group talking to the same group. Nobody read Hillary's book who didn't also vote for her, nobody will read Lewandowski's book unless they park their car on their lawn and drink Bud Lites out of a can.

But anyway, I hear that Amazon is sold out which is good for Lewandowski even if he blames Bezos for trying to corrupt the process. Corey's never had better publicity because being sold out is the best possible thing.

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