Monday, November 27, 2017

Take on Pocahontas

The world is going nuts about the Pocahontas thing and for the first time in forever, I kind of shrug. Yeah, it was in poor taste to use that language while honoring Native American code talkers but this is kind of what you signed up for when you elected Trump. The reference is actually a pretty good one and a good political zinger against a senator who did claim some Cherokee heritage because her great grandmother was once engaged to a Native American.

The one thing that Trump is genuinely good at is nicknames, he's the ultimate high school bully but when he gets a good one, it usually does for really well. Nobody emasculated Rubio more than Trump with his Little Marco rub or painted Cruz into weasel better than the Lyin' Ted monicker. Crooked Hillary, Low Energy Jeb! and Might want to stop with two Big Macs Christie were all perfectly played.

Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas is more of the same. Yeah it's childish but in his defense, it's effective and I actually don't see it as a slur. To me it's similar to calling a dummy, Einstein or a four year old artist Picasso as an iBuddy pointed out. Its insulting to the person but not the legacy. It's not a slur anymore that calling some crappy white basketball player Jordan would be to black people. It's an insult and one that plays right at Trump's grade-school humor, it's most telling that the only Native American he could name is one from a Disney movie.
What is more insulting is that Trump's ceremony was held under the watchful eye of Andrew Jackson's portrait, the optics of which are just dumbfounding.

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