Saturday, November 25, 2017

Take on the Frozen thing before Coco

I spent yesterday afternoon at the movies having decided to see Coco. I did appreciate that the entire movie was going to have an underlying anti Trump message as some Mexican kid was being held out of the country by some fictional wall while his family was trying to get him back. The movie started a bit slow but got pretty good when little Miguel beats up the fat egotistical self indulgent small handed dickhead who is the de facto head of the dark side.
I'd expected a bit better music, an easier to follow storyline and a more young kid friendly character but it wasn't a terrible way to spend 2 hours the day after thanksgiving.

But what was a terrible thing was this horrible surprise Frozen short film they showed before hand. First of all, nobody warned you that we went from an hour and forty minute movie to one now topping two hours, which with three kids in tow is a big deal. Secondly, you are going into a movie which is a mix between Ricky Ricardo meets the Addams Family and get stuck with this Elsa drivel, it's not the same audience and certainly not what your expectations are
But what really sucks is that this short film was just horrible. It was drawn out, poorly scripted, badly performed with horrible music and had a story line which made you want to shove an ice pick into your Arendelle. My eight year old looked at me at one point and said "I want to talk to the manager"

Disney, you aren't doing your brand any service by forcing this crap down our throats. The Frozen boat has sailed, stop trying to force it, you had your chance to capitalize on it -and did- but you waited too long, nobody cares anymore and if Frozen 2 is going to be anything like this, you are in for a rude awaking

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