Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Take on Trump’s “he knew what he signed up for” comment

Another day, another Trumpism

Trump supposedly told a grieving widow that the soldier "knew what he signed up for" and the world became outraged.
Then Trump - like he usually does- went after the world saying that he had proof that he didn't say that which makes this a classic game of He Said-She Said with the "He" being a pathological liar. There is nobody in the world who believes Trump and nobody expects him to show his "proof"

But here's where I am with it. Trump was likely not trying to be callous or mean, he's just a tone deaf moron who doesn't understand nuance. He tried to do the right thing -even if it was a week late- but in a way that only he can mess it up. This is the same guy who on 9-11 noted that he now had the biggest building in NYC. It might be a fact but it's not something you say. He is so self absorbed and has gotten away with saying the most ridiculous and often times heinous things for so long, that he has no concept of self awareness.
Great quality for a leader.

Good job America

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