Saturday, October 28, 2017

Take on the rumor

So the rumors about who the first to fall will be are all over the place
Many pin it on Flynn, who has been exposed as the one with the most blood on his hands including the photo of him dining with Putin
Manafort has been in the news a lot with secret ledgers and a history of deals with Russia
Carter Page is said to have delivered the message directly from Trump to Putin
Don jr. arranged the meeting with the Russian attorney
Roger Stone is a weasel who nobody would mind seeing fried

But the person who is now most likely to fall is the quiet one. Rumor is that Kushner will be the first to fall, because of his association with Cambridge Analytics. This will be the best one and will irk the president to no end and will mean that Mueller is inches away from the big Tuna.

It's always the quiet one.

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