Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Take on only the best people

George Papadapolous has gone from a guy nobody (other than Seth Abramson) had ever heard of to a guy who everybody has heard of to a guy Trump claims to have barely heard of in about a two day period
I don't know much about the insights into situations like this but I do know that when a campaign announces that a 29 year old kid with no experience will serve as a member of a national security advisory team, that kid better have been born on February 29th.
Did Trump know he was trying to get a meeting with Putin, who the hell knows but there were plenty in the campaign orbit who did and now it's time for those chickens to come home to roost

Papadapolous flipped, Flynn likely flipped, Manafort has been indictees, Page is as crazy as ever, Bannon is living in a bunker, Kushner is solving the Middle East issue over a latte and Roger Stone is from perma-banned from Twitter. Somehow the Mooch got out just in time.

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