Saturday, October 14, 2017

Take on Hurricane Harvey

The Academy threw out Harvey Weinstein today in one of the most chicken shit moves ever. It's not that throwing this disgusting slob out is a bad thing, it's that it took this entire thing to blow up publicity for anybody to do anything about this. From everything you read, his behavior was an open secret in Hollywood yet still they kept calling him, kept taking his movies and kept embracing him.

I'm not sure what is more shocking, the amount of women this guy harassed with virtually no repercussion or the fact that this absolute slob married a woman who is flat out stunning. He has to be one of the more disgusting looking people I have ever seen, he is so obese he has fat growing on his stubble.
How this guy convinced any woman to marry him is a miracle, the fact the one he found is stunning is like finding a four leaf clover...although finding a four leaf clover when it's being watered by millions of dollars is less shocking.

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