Glad we got rid of the Mooch with a guy who could reign in Trump
As somebody just observed, our president takes one step forward on Monday to only step back 167 years on Tuesday. We really live in strange times, times when something as politically simple as denouncing a bunch of new-nazis and KKK members becomes a chore that our president cannot possibly undertake.
Trump said today that the Alt-Left was in part to blame for Charlottesville, which is exactly how he played the FakeNews thing. He takes something that he and his followers are accused of and turns in 180 degrees and tries to get it to stick to you. But I'm guessing it won't work because, well, those guys are literally Nazis.
But the best line of the Q&A was the following
Trump: "I looked the night before, if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee."
He was right with this, those guys carrying the torches were just trying to illuminate the statue for for one more night. Nothing sinister in their behavior at all.
I was happy to hear that Trump owns a winery right in Charlottesville, seems like he attracts a certain kind of harvest pest.
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