Saturday, August 12, 2017

Take on Trump's non statement statement

Our president has been called a brilliant politician by some but when he is given meatball to hit out of the park, he can't even give it a real effort. This is Donald Trump, a guy who was never afraid to speak his mind, cowering to the alt-right neon nazi faction of his party. You can't understand how he doesn't just knock the movement, it's the most benign political move you can make and still he can't.
But what was most troubling was the countless GOP members who I saw post today about there being no place for white supremacy in our country but hardly anybody actually took the president on. They all beat around the bush but nobody called him out for stroking the white supremacist fire and you know that none of them will actually do anything other than wait to see if the tides turn on Trump nationally to a point he is a sinking ship and that point they will all come out to feed off the carcass

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