Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Take on the terrible SHS look

When Sarah Huckabee Sanders was pressed on Little Finger Don's role in the misleading Little Don letter about his Russian meeting she became more and more frustrated. I can't blame her, she has to be in the most unenviable positions in the country, a position she gladly accepted mind you. She's willfully misleading the narrative knowing full well that another story will break shortly that will completely contradict her first statement and discredit her even further.

But really that wasn't the worst thing she did yesterday, which in her world can just be described as "Tuesday", the worst thing was that pirate shirt top she chose. It's as if instead of looking in a mirror, she decided to stare at her grotesque looking old man who himself often looks like he's wearing his lap-belt as an actual belt

And really if we're holding her to standards similar to her Spicy predecessor, the fact that she looked like a peacock with a gamer stuck in her shirt, is fair game.

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