Monday, August 21, 2017

Take on the Solar Presidential Eclipse

For weeks we've heard newscasters, teachers and mothers warn us to not look directly into the eclipse and of course today there were thousands of people starting directly into the sun in New York City.   I walked outside at about 2:30 and a woman says, "look north and you can see the reflection of the sun in the building"   Beyond my better judgment, I instinctively look up and immediately my eyeballs burn.   I've been seeing spots in front of my eyes for the last two hours, so if nothing else, Dr. Joseph Delarusa will find another customer out of this thing..   I did see a street vendor selling the glasses but he was also selling hot-dogs and they looked a bit flimsy, so decided to go back inside to soak my eyeballs in some vinegar. 

But I wasn't the only one dumb enough to look up without those stupid 3D glasses, our president, a man who has proclaimed himself to be one of the smartest people on earth, was standing on that little balcony of the White House staring directly into the sun.   This can only be a sign of brilliance or compete stupidity and I'm gambling on the latter. 

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