Thursday, August 31, 2017

Take on seeing it First Hand

Trump sucks, this is a known fact by now but I actually see nothing wrong with a few of the things he's getting hit with as related to his reaction to Harvey

- he didn't meet with victims, I get that this makes for a nice photo-op and should be something that people do out of the goodness of their heart but it's not actually necessary. Whether Trump hugs a woman who lost her home or talks to a kid who lost his dog does not make a real difference in the big picture. We already know that Trump doesn't have any real compassion and as a germaphobe he's not actually going to touch these wet people. He sucks and is a horrid human but it's almost better that he doesn't try because he'd inevitable look disgusted which won't help.

- he said he saw it "first hand" when, in fact, he was nowhere near the devastation. Again, who cares? This is a figure of speech and for a guy like Trump who has a very limited vocabulary it's just another verbal crutch like "greatest", "believe me" or "beautiful".
I don't care that he wasn't standing in three foot water putting up sand bags, he has to be looking at the bigger picture and finding ways to get FEMA, the Army Corp of Engineers and local towns every resource they need.
What actually happened was about right, Jun standing on a fire truck 50 mikes away for a speech. If he'd gone closer he would have gotten people screaming that he's hindering the relief efforts, if he doesn't come at all he gets labeled as out-of-touch. This was fine and his version works for me

He still sucks

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