Monday, August 28, 2017

Take on Obama

Whenever our president does something that embarrasses our country, it's important to realize that he follows a man who has show less respect for the office than just about anybody.
Trump may have colluded with Russians, he just pardoned a sheriff who stood in defiance of a judges order, he's refused to disclose his business interest, he tweets about his victory during a major storm on one of our country's largest cities

But remember Obummer. This guy wore a tan suit at a press conference, you really can't be a worse person to lead this country and the fact that he was likely not born here is just another sign of his disdain for the red white and blue
This guy also had a cup of coffee while saluting a soldier, he once even said he liked Jay-Z.
Then he had the audacity to try to give all our citizens health care, what a horrid human

This guy so constantly tried to move our country so far left it may as well have been France West.

He is a vile human and we can only be happy that he's gone.

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