Saturday, August 26, 2017

Take on Lyin' Ted's inconsistency

It's amazing how awful a human Ted Cruz proves to be every. single. day. Not only does he look like the zodiac killer, he acts like a psychopath.

When Superstorm Sandy devastated the North East, Ted. Cruz was there with the big NO banner, but with his home state under threat of similar damage, he has already gone to congress for some kind of major relief bill. I get that he is doing what is right for his constituents, but the fact that he got on his soap box for political tea party theater five years ago tells yuh what he really cares about and it certainly isn't anything other than Ted Cruz's political career

This same Ted Cruz sat in some crappy badly lit no descript office building to ask voters to support a man who should have stood against everything Cruz claims to stand for and after Trump tried to tie Lyin' Ted's old man to the JKF assassination and called his wife Miss Piggy.

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