Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Take on the transgender

There really aren't any more 'unpresidential' decisions than the one Donald J. Duck made today.  
He decided, upon the advice of his generals, that transgender people shouldn't be allowed to serve our country in uniform.

There really isn't a good military reason for this so the only explanation is that it's deflection for something else..  and that is the fact that Donald isn't ingratiating himself with his base with his attacks on Jeff Sessions.

I don't have any love loss for Sessions and the thought of rooting for him seemed as unlikely as me liking Brussels Sprouts when I was 12..  Jeff Sessions is loved by a certain level of crazy and if Donald is going to piss off those nutcases, his approval rating might reach the low 30s.. so he made a stand and decided to discriminate against a group of people he said he was going to defend.   Maybe he forgot that there was a T in LGTB, or maybe he just assumed the T stood for Trump


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