Friday, July 28, 2017

Take on the showdown

In this corner, wearing mom jeans, with his cell phone holder and his bald spot Reince Priebus, in the other 20 pounds of grease, sleaze and bad hair gel is Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci. This was a battle which didn't take long, sort of like the Tyson Spinks fight. The Mooch took his bosses playbook and played it perfectly, first giving his rival a private childlike nickname "Reince Penis", then blasting him in the media, then ousting his tag team partner and finally forcing him out yesterday afternoon. Priebus didn't stand a chance, he never did. A guy that nerdy just can't compete with all that testosterone and we'd all be better off not having the visual of The Mooch giving Reince a big atomic wedge and then shoving him into a locker like Trump did to Jeb!

But Priebus never had a shot, here is no way that Trump liked his guy, he's way too weak. Trump only respects true alpha and Priebus looks like he was in Lambda Lambda Lambda

But anyway, it's over and Mooch won. I mentioned to some friends that I couldn't wait for the tell-all books to come out, to which they commented. It's already all out there, it can't be much worse than this. Wait and see

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