Sunday, July 2, 2017

Take on presidential etiquette

Trump was at it again today tweeting away between the 9th and 10th holes. On the extended holiday weekend honoring our country, he took on Morning Coffee, CNN and the losers who didn't vote for him all while explaining the activity as non presidential. This is where we are now, a president so caught in his own head that he can't even make a half hearted attempt to placate the country with a mundane "happy 4th of July" message. But then again a president whose press team is becoming more reclusive, a president who hasn't had a news conference in months and who tweets out videos of him wrestling with a big CNN symbol is probably not equipped to run the third shift of a Burger King is running our country.
Glad the North Korean threat, peace in the Middle
East and our education systems have all been taken care of so that he can take care of important things like saying Joe Scarborough is a loser

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