Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Take on the Jeff Sessions regret

As Trump expressed regret for hiring Jeff Sessions, we wonder how many Americans have similar regret in hiring Donald Trump. I certainly have to think that by now, anybody with half a brain or have a conscious realizes that they signed us up for a horrible roller coated ride seated next to a fat man who just chowed down on a burrito grande.
This is the country we have chosen, one where news is dubbed as fake, anonymous sources are called inadequate and a cabinet member's loyalty is questioned if he doesn't abuse his power.
But the article by Maggie Haberman in today's Times really does show how much this Russian investigation is wearing on Don because he can't seem to find the oxygen in the room to breath anymore. Next week with Little Don, Paulie Walnuts and J-Kush testifying before congress might be the most can't miss TV in a decade (or at least as long as it's been since Comey did)
Get your popcorn ready

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